Fascists control the U.S. government.
Humanity has caused a mass extinction not seen since an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.
We have all the food, medicine and technology we need to live peacefully. Instead, millions are starving while the rich build bombs and bunkers.
You are complicit. I am complicit. We build this awful world every day, and we can build a better one.
Here's how.
Stop using social media.
If you take one thing away from this site, take this.
Social media companies isolate, surveil and radicalize you for profit.
The billionaires who own them have near-total control over your view of the world.
The memes aren't worth it. The takes aren't worth it.
You think Mark Zuckerberg won't let the feds use everything you've ever done on Facebook and Instagram to generate your MAGA loyalty score?
You think Reddit is any different?
Stop using technology that encourages anorexia and genocide. Stop enriching these awful people.
Delete your accounts and never look back.
Turn off your phone.
Your phone is a mobile police state built from minerals extracted by African child slaves.
It is designed to distract you and feed information about you to corporations and law enforcement.
If you bring your phone to a protest, you are a dumb motherfucker I want nothing to do with. You are providing the cops with a free map of everyone else there.
Try turning yours off tomorrow morning. Leave it off as long as you can. Repeat until "off" is the default.
Stop shopping on Amazon.
Amazon is a multi-trillion-dollar colonial empire.
Warehouse employees frequently die on the job. Delivery drivers don't have time for bathroom breaks.
You are doing this to them. They are working this hard so you can get same-day shipping.
Shopping on Amazon is a cowardly, despicable act, no matter how many of your friends and family shrug and do it anyway.
Have some self-respect and stop contributing to this exploitation.
Stop thinking you're special.
You are one human being among billions that have already existed. You are part of a fragile ecosystem made up of millions of other species.
Your happiness is not the most important thing in the world. Your comfort does not justify the suffering of others.
Capitalism has sold you the idea that your life can keep getting "better" with no real cost.
You are a child if you believe that lie.
Stop optimizing your life for you. You don't matter. Nobody will remember you after you're gone.